Recordings allows you to capture participants' audio, screen, and camera during tests, providing richer feedback and a deeper understanding of the user experience.

Join Maureen and Tristan from the Lyssna product team as they walk you through a live demo of how to get up and running with Recordings in a few simple steps.

In this session they cover:

  • How to enable Recordings for various test types, including prototype, first click, card sorting, navigation, and tree testing.

  • Best practices for using Recordings to capture users' thoughts, emotions, and behaviors during testing.

  • How to use Recordings when recruiting from both your own network and the Lyssna research panel.



So welcome everybody. Yeah, thanks for taking some time today to join us for this demo of Lyssna's new recordings feature. My name is Tristan, I'm the CPO here at Lyssna, and I'm joined today by our group product manager, Maureen Chiu.

Also known as Mo. So first I'm going to run through some housekeeping and a quick introduction, then we're going to get into the recordings demo. I'm going to finish up today with some Q and A we can have a chat about any of your questions.

Cool. So just briefly, we have some moderators from our team on the call today. We have Claire and Irene and they're going to be in the chat. They can answer some of your questions, but we're also going to keep some questions for the end for the Q and A. We can answer in a little bit more depth.

So feel free to be active in the chat share your thoughts and feedback. And yeah, ask as many questions as you like, my team's there to help. We're going to send out a quick feedback survey for you after the call today. So we'd love your input on how we can make these webinars better for you. So if you'd take a minute to complete that, we would love it.

And we'll also send out a recording that's going to come out automatically when we end the session here. So if you need to hop off, you won't miss anything.

All right. So a quick introduction. I expect most of you on the call today are pretty familiar with Lyssna, but for anyone who's new Lyssna allows you to run a range of unmoderated testing methodologies. So that includes things like usability testing on Figma prototypes, first click testing, IA methodologies, like card sorting and tree testing, and to gather concept feedback on design concepts.

So these kinds of unmoderated tests are quick and easy to set up. You can get really fast results and they're great for quantitative insights. But some common downsides to this type of unmoderated research that it's harder to get deeper insights. So where a user clicks and how long they take doesn't always tell the whole story.

And it can be tricky to get the real why behind a user's actions and their opinions from just written answers alone. So Recordings help here by capturing all of this rich information by screen recording, which shows you exactly what they saw, how their mouse moved, maybe places that they considered clicking, but didn't.

Think-aloud captures their thoughts as they go. So you can hear what they're thinking, how they're understanding the content in front of them. And even things like those ums and ahs that give you a clue that they're feeling confused in that moment. And lastly, camera recording allows you to see those moments on their face of confusion or delight or realization as they go about completing the task.

So we're really excited to add this layer. to our growing research toolkit at Lyssna and pleased to bring you this demo today. So let's jump straight into the demo. We're going to show you how to set up recordings on your tests in Lyssna, the recruitment options for tests with recordings, and then what participants see as they take that test.

And lastly, we're going to show you how to view those recordings in your test results. So with that said, I'm going to hand it over to Mo to get started with the demo.

Thank you, Tristan. So as Tristan mentioned, I'm going to take you through the test setup, then I'm going to take you through recruitment of participants, then I'll pass it back to Tristan to take you through the participant experience for test taking.

So firstly, you actually create a test like you normally would any other test. I have this test that I've started creating with a prototype test section, so I've added a name, I've set the language to English, and I've also set it to desktop only because it is a prototype for desktop. The Recordings feature and is actually enabled on a per section basis.

So rather than the whole test, which means you have maximum flexibility as to what it exactly it is that you want to record and what you don't want to record. And when you add a new test section, so I'm just going to add a new test section here. You can clearly see which test sections support recordings.

So in our case, we do prototype tests. We have first click, we have card sort, we have navigation tests, and we also have tree tests. So I'm going to close this up for now, and we'll go back to the prototype test that I've started creating. So in this test, I've already set up the task itself. I've added some instructions, and I've also added a bunch of follow up questions.

So you see at the top here, there's this new record button. So I'm going to click on it and then I decide exactly what is it that I want to record. So in my case, I want to record the screen because I want to see the interactions the participants have with my prototype. And actually I'm also going to enable think-aloud with camera and audio because I want to see and hear what participants reactions are to the prototype and just hear about what they're thinking and seeing as they go through the experience.

One of the questions that does come up is when should you ask participants to Think-aloud? So our suggestion is that if you want immediate, more spontaneous data around participants decision making to help improve your UI, then enabling Think-aloud is a good option. But if you are looking for more deeper thoughts or reflections, you might want to consider things like surveys or interview interviews, which are things that we offer on our platform as well.

Because I've also turned on Think-aloud, you'll see here in the instructions that I've added just some extra instructions as well, just so that participants know exactly what to expect when they're completing the Think-aloud task. So I've just added here, speak out loud as you're thinking, tell us what you're looking at, how you're deciding, and any thoughts or feelings that come up along the way.

So in terms of enabling recordings for a test section, that's pretty much it. You basically just hit this record button and select what it is that you want to record. If I wanted to add more test sections, you know, just add the test section and I would hit record for any of those text set test sections that I also want recorded.

You can also see her here on the left hand side, which test sections have recordings enabled while we're here. Also just want to note a few things. I've set up a few prototypes, follow up questions here. The recording feature won't actually record the follow up questions, just the actual test task itself.

And also screen recording is only supported for test completed on desktop. So if I set it to mobile only, or if I said to all devices, which allows for mobile, we'll just show you a little notification that lets you know that it won't support screen recording. You only get the camera and audio, and this is due to restrictions on the phone OS side of things.

So that's pretty much it. I'm going to set it back to desktop only, and I'm going to continue and take you through the recruit experience right now. Now that we've set up our test recordings, we can either recruit from the Lyssna panel, or we can recruit from your own network. I'm going to start with the recruiting from our panel.

I'm going to click through here. And you'll see the order form for the order form for recruiting for participants for test recorders is exactly the same as what you're used to as well. So I'm going to select, say, 25 participants because realistically, that's how much time I have to go through some recordings.

Then you go ahead and you set where the demographics that you want to target. In my case, though, instead of going through it manually, I'm going to leverage a safe group that I have. Today, I'm super interested in listening in. In targeting the grocery shoppers, so I'm going to click on that and you'll see here on the right hand side that all of those filters have been applied.

Now, on this right hand side, you'll also see the order summary. You'll see that for each of these responses for this test and for the prototype section that I set up, it's going to be five credits per response, which includes a two credit response. Recording fee as well. Noting that panelists actually received additional compensation for tests that use recordings, which is actually included in this to credit cost.

And so once I reviewed the order, then I would hit submit order. A note also that when you recruit from Lyssna's panel we make it very clear to our panelists what is expected from a recorded test. And we also show them demo videos of exactly what it's like to complete a Think-aloud task. And then for those times where a panelist might forget to Think-aloud, you can actually take advantage of our satisfaction guarantee where you can simply report a response and then you'll replete, you'll receive a replacement straight away free of charge, no questions asked. So usually I'll submit the order in this case. I won't submit, but I'm going to go back to the recruit now and I'll take you through recruiting from your own network of participants. So usually you use this section here. First note is that there's no extra costs for recordings if you're recruiting from your own network.

But you are, if you are incentivizing your audience with rewards for participating you might wanna consider the additional time and effort that a recorded response entails. In terms of setup exactly the same as usual, set up a link. You enable that link, and then you would go ahead and copy it and you would share it on your socials, on your website or, you know, whether it be on email as well.

In terms of best practice, we do suggest that you make it very clear to your participants that there is a recording component to this test so that they're aware of what to expect when they actually start the test. So that's the recruit experience for recordings of tests. No real difference from a test on test for the recordings.

No huge difference from what you're used to. And I'll pass it back to Tristan and he's going to take you through the test taking experience from a participant point of view. Great, thanks Mo. Okay, so we have here the test that Maureen's just set up. I've got the link here that I've been sent and I'm going to play the participant now and show you what that looks like.

So when they arrive on the desk, the first thing they're going to see is they're going to be told exactly what recording requirements there are. So in this case, I'm going to have to share my screen, my camera and my microphone. So that's a helpful prompt that lets them know that, you know, if they're not in the right place to do a recording right now, they might want to come back later on.

So I'm going to hit, get started before the test begins. We have to add some permissions from our browser. So we're told that we want to share our camera and our microphone. So I'll hit allow on that. I'm giving a quick preview of myself. You'll notice that this is flipped from the regular image. So I'm not thrown out by the whole left to right thing.

I can see my camera that I can choose and my microphone, they'll look good to me. So we'll continue on. And lastly is screen sharing. So you'll see here that we prompt them to share the tab where they're actually taking the test. So I'll allow that. Great. And we're all set to go. So I'll start the test before each recording that contains the Think-aloud section, the participants going to be shown this prompt.

So we tell them each time, get ready to Think-aloud. And we find this is quite helpful because thinking aloud while taking a test is not necessarily intuitive. If it's not something you've experienced with or done very much before. So this prompt helps to remind participants what to do. And we even, as Mo mentioned, have this short video that they can watch.

That really explains in detail, here's what a Think-aloud task is, here's what you need to do. So they can watch that if they need to. Otherwise, when I'm all ready, I'm going to hit start recording and we'll start the task. So here I'm asked use the prototype to subscribe to our pro plan, speak aloud as you're thinking, tell us what you're looking at, how you're deciding.

And any thoughts or feelings that come up along the way. Okay. I can see my own little preview here, so I know I'm being recorded and we'll click to review the prototype. All right. So I'm looking to subscribe to our pro plan. This looks like a pretty standard and familiar website layout. Okay. I think I'm going to go pricing first.

Okay, good. I found the pro plan. I guess I would just go for get started on the pro plan. Great. And for the signup form, I would probably sign up with Google. So I'll go for that option and that's the task completed. So once I hit continue here, that's going to end the recording and I move on to these followup questions

and that's it, my response gets submitted. So as soon as the response is submitted, the research is going to see that on their results page. So I'm going to hand it back to Mo now to show us what that looks like.

You just unmute there, Maureen. Thank you. Rookie error. Thank you, Tristan. So like any other tests, once the responses start coming through, you'll be able to review it on the results page. So here's a test out with recordings that already has a bunch of responses. For this prototype test section, you'll find recordings in this new recordings tab.

And so you can see in this UI that we have six recordings already. You can, this that you can easily see each of these recordings. We can kind of go through each of these ones. And I can click play. I'm just going to show you a little example of what the rendering looks like. So in this test we had set both screen share as well as the Think-aloud.

So for camera and audio, if you see that in the actual recording itself we include both of them. In that screen. So you can actually see in context what the participant is thinking and their expressions while they're actually completing the task itself. You see, also down the bottom here, you can see the just some information about the task.

This one is a prototype test. So you see that it's like reached the gold screen. We see there's any minute misclicks as well as the task duration. We have this also very nifty cinema mode. So if you click through that You'll actually open this up. You don't need to rely on like a full page mode, but it's an expanded view.

So you can see more of that detail, particularly when you're having those kind of recordings with a camera. So you want to be able to see the detail. So you click through that, and you can also just scroll through the different recordings. And I'm going to go back. Actually, I'm going to click it like that.

And I'm going to close that up. You'll see also here that this is this icon, and this is for to open the participant draw. So if you prefer to look at the recordings. By participants, so each participant, all the all the test sections that they completed and the recordings that are associated with each of those sections.

You can also do so. Yeah, here. There's also this menu and you can download it. So you can download that and you can share that with your team members. I'm going to click the share button and I'm going to take you through what that sharing experience looks like. So it's going to share that link. And so I want to share that to Tristan when he uses that link, he's going to see the full page view of that particular video.

If you close it, it will actually anchor you to that particular participants response. So you can see the full context of everything that they answered and any kind of additional videos that might be there as well. So yeah, that's an overview of our results area. And really, that concludes the demo of our Lyssna's new recording feature.

We are very excited for you to all start using it and to hear your feedback. The features actually been in beta for a couple of months now, and we've made a number of improvements since then. And even now, we're still continuing to build. Some of the enhancements might mention them here as well.

We want to make further updates to this recordings viewing experience on the results page. And these are including things like being to favorite videos. Also being able to really easily see which ones you viewed and which ones you haven't viewed. Also looking to add recording support for more test section types, as well as a standalone Think-aloud question type.

So a few kind of record suggestions around like particular kind of Think-aloud or like a recording test text types. Lastly, one of the most common questions that we've actually been asked is if you can use recordings to capture feedback on live website. And today we're very excited to announce that we're currently actually working on this feature on a live website testing feature, which we'll be hearing about more later this year.

As you start using the recordings feature as well, just wanted to mention that we have a bunch of resources on the marketing website. So we have a Think-aloud protocol guide. I'm also a step by step video that just takes you through the set up of tests for recordings. And yeah, with that, I'll end on this note.

So, yeah, thank you for joining us and we'll open up the floor for questions now. Our team has pulled aside a few questions for us that we can answer address here. First question is from Olivia asking. So just double checking recordings with screen share our desk. Are they desktop only? Is this because of privacy? Sorry. Yes, it is. It is a limitation on the mobile OS. So on the desktop browser, we're able to access this screen share API, and that's how we capture the screen and the mouse movements and everything.

Okay. That's just not available on mobile devices. So there are some workarounds that we [00:16:00] are considering, but in doing that, we're quite mindful of the participant experience. So one option, you know, might be to ask them to install an app on their phone that could potentially capture the screen. But that's obviously a fair bit more of a clunky experience for your own participants who are just trying to take a quick test for you.

So there are other options there that we're going to explore, but at the moment, yeah, it is, it is just due to that. OS limitation.

Okay. The next question is from Andrea. Asking, is there any tech support or information if participant encounters issues with the screen share camera or audio? Good question. We've tried to include this information sort of throughout the test so that if they run into a problem, they have a help link at hand.

If you're the researcher, there is live chat in the app and we have a very responsive support team who can provide help for participants. There is some, yeah, some help links throughout the page. But if they do run into a problem, I think that, yeah, the best avenue would be to get in touch with the support team and then maybe reload and give it another try.

Serena asks about is that a prototype or can we do recordings on a live site? So maybe Maureen's jumped in on this and already answered. But yeah, we're very excited to Share that we are working on live website testing. It's definitely a hotly requested feature. We think, yeah, in conjunction with recordings in particular, that's going to be a really powerful new methodology.

But would you like to answer Dina's question here about transcripts? Yeah, is a, is there a transcript feature for the Think-alouds? So currently we are looking to build out more analysis features and transcriptions is one of the most heavily requested ones. So this is one of the ones that we are looking at currently.

There's a few other ones also that just, just for visibility as well. There are some other features that around the analysis side that we have. Heard that customers are wanting like AI analysis things like note taking or like tagging, maybe even supporting highlight reels. Yeah, so I guess like building out this feature wanted to have that kind of core functionality there.

And now we're kind of building on that kind of results analysis experience. So great question. Jenna, something that we're looking at right now.

And we can look any other questions. All right, Nathan asked, is there an estimate on when the option to test live websites will be available? Good question. So, as Mo mentioned, we're currently working on this. We have some other things also in flight. So, it's looking at this stage, like, around the end of the year or early next year, we're going to have a beta available.

But actually, I will mention, if you're interested in testing out an early version of this, please do reach out to our team, reach out to Support Inbox. We would definitely love to have customers testing out early versions of this. So, that'd be great.

Thank you, Ola. Great.

That may cover it for the the questions that we had in the bank. Just hang for a little minute more and see if there are any more that we can answer for you. We're excited to show the updated recordings playback feature that, that Mo shared with you today. And we actually have some updates coming to that over the next week or two.

So we're soon going to be able to have the option to favorite a recording as well, and use that in conjunction with our comments feature to share these with your team and show them any highlights.

Cool. All right. I think we may have covered our questions for today. So we will wrap it up for now and say thanks again for joining us. We'd really love your feedback on this feature. So please do give it a try. If you have any requests or feedback for how we can improve it for you, we'd love to hear that.

So please, yeah, feel free to get in touch. Thanks everybody for coming.

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