Five second testing is a popular UX method that provides both quantitative and qualitative feedback. A five second test is run by showing an image to a participant for just five seconds, after which the participant answers questions based on their memory and impression of the design.

Join us in this video as our account executive Luke walks through how to use the five second testing feature in Lyssna and offers tips on the type of questions to ask.


What is five second testing? (0:00)

Hey everyone, it's Luke. Today, I'm going to walk you through our Five second test, one of our most popular methodologies and the one that started it all.

Our founder, Matt, read a book ‘How to solve one problem’ and he thought of the instance where users are jumping from a website within five seconds, meaning they're not really giving a conscious evaluation of the design but rather they're making a gut reaction and so this test is going to help you evaluate that five second moment to test whether you're branding is coming clear, your unique value proposition is there and ultimately, increasing your conversion rate optimization. So marketing teams or landing page designers, this one's for you.

How to create a five second test in Lyssna (0:50)

Here, I'm on the tool's Create a new test page and the first thing we're going to go ahead and do is, we would add a section, select Five second test. I've already got one here and we're being prompted to drop in a JPEG or image. Now today, we're going to be testing this beautiful landing page - your friendly neighborhood Pet Shop, adorable I know, and you can generate an image from your design tool like Figma or you could use this tool if you already got a webpage up - Go full page, I highly recommend it. It works really well for me but you could always pan out and take a screenshot of your image as well. 

This one's great because it's stitching together the entire image allowing this to scroll within our tool so we download there and then come back to our test, where we'll add this into our design. Oh sorry, into our test. The tool is going to prompt an instruction for you in gray. You can customize that if you want to, but we're going to leave it here. You can adjust how long the design is going to show, so maybe if you think that this is a design that they're going to stay a lot longer, you could set it up to 10, 20 seconds and then we're being prompted to set up a question. 

What questions should you ask in a five second test? (2:10)

There are three really great questions that I would recommend when using the Five second tool and that is going to achieve three main goals that you might have:

1) Are the users within five seconds going to know what your product or service is about? It's a really important one otherwise, because if it's too confusing, too chaotic, it's not clear, they're never going to stay. So that's one.

 2) What would be your unique value proposition? What is sticky? What would they tell someone else about, when it comes to your product or service? 

3) And then the last one would be: Do they know the call to action? Are they recognizing the slogan? 

So the three questions that we're going to be using for this I've put together right here, what product or services are being offered? What words or sentences can you recall? And what was unique about the offering? 

Each of these we have set to respond with short text but you could customize these to other options for example, if you wanted to ask how trustworthy that design was or website you could choose a linear scale allowing them to give a linear ranking there. We're going to keep this with text and then you'd Save and Continue and move over to recruiting from an audience. 

How to recruit on Lyssna for five second testing? (3:28)

I've already recruited five responses from our panel here and we'll have another video that talks to you more about how to customize and select specific segments for your participants. 

How to review your test results (3:46)

In our results page that we have here, you'll just scroll down over to your results. The first one is what product or service is being offered and we're going to see all the responses right here. 

How to filter your results by demographics (4:01)

If we wanted to, we could filter by age range or region, to see how different places respond and then you can also go through and tag these responses to organize and sort them, allowing us to see what people are responding to the most. 

The tool will also generate a word cloud to see what words they're using the most and that might even make it easier for you to determine what your tags are. 

How to evaluate your responses from your five second test (4:34)

In evaluating this response, 'what were the products or services being offered?' - pet shop, pet toys, pet shop, a sale, 40% off for pet products. So it looks like the messaging is pretty clear here. 

'What words or sentences can you recall?' Meow, 40% off, pet friendly, get paw-perfect deal, so we're seeing what messaging, what slogan is really standing out to them. Again ensuring, is our message, is this landing page, is it memorable? What are they noticing? You'll find very complicated or very wordy landing pages oftentimes people don't remember anything. The simpler oftentimes is the more memorable. 

And then our last question, what is unique about the offering? Again, this is going to help test whether the message that you're sending is going to be really sticky and memorable. It's not just a pet shop but they have X. So this, we see here 40% off, online but it feels local, colors and lots of graphics, so we're going to see what they feel is unique. 

So I encourage you to try this out on one of your current web pages or even one of your competitors to see what people are remembering, what people are noticing. This is going to be great for every sort of website. Banks, anything to test how people are reacting within that five seconds. 

Hopefully, this was helpful for you. I'd love to hear any questions or other videos you'd love to have made to help you in performing research with our tool. 

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