Prevent your marketing emails from ending up in spam folders.
Use this pre-built template to identify the optimal email subject line that resonates with your audience, and the reasons why. Empower your team to maximize the potential of your email campaigns and email newsletters by ensuring better deliverability, higher open rates, and increased engagement. Don't let valuable content get lost in spam – choose subject lines that truly resonate with your audience.
This template will help you discover
The email subject lines that that resonate best with your target audience.
Subject lines that yield the highest open rates and click-through rates.
Phrases or words that effectively grab your audience's attention.
Ways to enhance your subject lines and overall email marketing strategy.
The performance of your subject lines among diverse audience segments (e.g. demographics, location, interests).
How to use this template
Click on the "Use this template" button and log in to your Lyssna account. Don't have an account yet? Start exploring with a free plan.
Modify the test to suit your needs.
Preview your test or press save and continue to recruit your participants.
Set your test live and wait for your results!
Frequently asked questions
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“We used to spend days collecting the data we can now get in an hour with Lyssna. We're able to get a sneak preview of our campaigns' performance before they even go live.”
Aaron Shishler,
Copywriter Team Lead at monday.com

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