This template combines first click testing and preference testing to help you identify the most attention-grabbing and effective visuals for your app store listing.
You can test different logos and thumbnails to see which ones capture users’ attention quickly and which designs best represent your game or app.
By analyzing user preferences and their initial interactions with your visuals, you can refine your designs to stand out in the app store and leave a lasting impression.
This template is ideal for designers and marketers looking to boost brand visibility and user appeal on app store pages.
This template will help you discover
How different app icons attract users' attention and communicate their purpose or brand.
User preferences and expectations regarding app design and branding, including color schemes, icons, typography, and other visual elements.
User behavior and decision-making when presented with multiple app options, such as which icon or title they are most likely to click first.
Initial impressions of each design choice and areas for improvement.
How to use this template
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“Adopting Lyssna got us into the habit of asking our users questions before locking in decisions.”
Ron Diorio,
VP Business Development & Innovation, at The Economist

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