Before spending money on producing merchandise, ask your customers and/or team what items they would find most useful and their preferred designs. Otherwise, you may end up ordering swag that people won't use.
Whether you’re exploring new ideas for branded swag or refining existing ones, this preference testing template simplifies your decision-making. It helps you assess how appealing, memorable, and functional your items are while prioritizing designs and products.
Ideal for marketing and event teams, this template enables you to deliver swag that reflects your brand while leaving a positive impression on recipients.
This template will help you discover
The designs and products that resonate most with your audience, highlighting what they find appealing and useful.
Whether certain designs or products appeal more to different audience segments, allowing you to tailor your merchandise for different customer groups.
The color schemes, typography, and other design elements that are memorable and attractive to your customers and team.
Ideas or suggestions for new swag items that recipients are likely to love.
How to use this template
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CEO at ChartMogul

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