Take the guesswork out of the logo selection process with preference testing.
Using this simple preference test template, you can make data-driven decisions by objectively assessing various logo designs. Upload your logo design options and ask your test participants to pick their preferred option. Asking additional follow-up questions will allow you to dig deeper in why they chose a specific option.
When conducting a preference test for logo designs, it's a good practice to test various logo versions with subtle differences, including different color schemes. This allows you to gather feedback from participants and understand which color scheme or logo variation resonates most effectively with your target audience. By presenting multiple options, you can make informed decisions and choose a logo that aligns best with your brand identity and audience preferences.
This template will help you discover
The logo design that stands out as the most memorable and appealing to your specific target audience.
How your brand is perceived through various visual elements, including color and typography.
Which color schemes resonate the most with your audience and effectively convey your brand's message.
How well visual elements align with your brand identity and overarching marketing strategy.
How to use this template
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Nick Franklin,
CEO at ChartMogul

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