Open card sorting is a valuable method for crafting a new information architecture (IA) or refining an existing one. In an open card sort, participants organize cards into self-defined categories. Use this pre-designed template to observe how users naturally group and categorize information. After gathering results, analyze them to identify patterns and potential IA enhancements.
To learn more about viewing and analyzing card sort results in Lyssna, check out this help center article. With this template, you can create an IA that aligns with user behavior and enhances the overall user experience.
This template will help you discover
How users naturally organize information in a way that aligns with their understanding, offering insights into effective categorization and labeling.
Items that pose challenges for users regarding categorization, pinpointing areas for refinement and clarity.
User-preferred language for categorization and labeling, enabling you to incorporate their vocabulary into your information architecture.
Omissions in categories or information that users anticipate, providing an opportunity to incorporate these into the final information architecture.
How to use this template
Click on the "Use this template" button and log in to your Lyssna account. Don't have an account yet? Start exploring with a free plan.
Customize the test to suit your needs.
Preview your test or press save and continue to recruit your participants.
Set your test live and wait for your results!
Frequently asked questions
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“I consistently receive responses on the same day or the following day, greatly aiding my interactions with various stakeholders.”
Sonal Malhotra,
UX Research Lead at Klarna

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