Effective collaboration and communication are essential for successful product development and design. By involving team members throughout the research  process, you can set your team up for success. 

In this article, we explore various use cases and provide examples that highlight the benefits of including team members in the research journey. We also touch on how to assign user roles in Lyssna.

User roles in Lyssna

How it works

Lyssna has five different permission levels you can assign to team members.

Pyramid showing different types of user roles in Lyssna
  • Account owners: The owner has full control over the account, including managing billing, team members, and account settings. They receive account correspondence, can’t be deleted by anyone, and can delete the Lyssna account. There can be only one owner per account, however it can be transferred to another team member.

  • Admins: Administrators have similar privileges to the account owner. They can manage account and billing settings, manage the team, purchase credits, create and manage tests, spend account credits, and view tests and results.

  • Editors: Editors can create and manage tests, spend account credits, and view tests and results.

  • Viewers: These users can only view tests and results. 

  • Archived: These users can’t access your account, but the data from any tests they had previously created will remain. These are likely to be past employees or clients. 

Pro tip: The Free plan allows up to three collaborators, but for larger teams it’s worth upgrading to the Basic or Pro plan.

The benefits of inviting team members to your user research platform

User research shouldn’t be a solitary endeavor, it should be a collaborative process. By inviting team members to participate, you can unlock a range of benefits that go beyond individual insights. 

Fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and making collective decisions can amplify the impact of your findings and result in more informed design decisions. 

Cross-functional team collaboration

Involving team members from other disciplines such as design, product management, marketing, and engineering, can be incredibly beneficial during the testing phase. 

You are also encouraging knowledge sharing, breaking down silos, and ensuring that user insights are integrated into all aspects of the product development process. The collective expertise of all team members leads to more comprehensive decision-making, resulting in better overall product outcomes.

Stakeholder engagement and feedback

Involving stakeholders in the user testing process helps align product vision, gain buy-in, and incorporate their valuable input. Lyssna allows you to invite stakeholders as team members, providing them direct access to usability test results and findings.

By providing stakeholders access to research results, you're inviting them to observe user feedback first-hand. This active participation in the user research process encourages stakeholders to become advocates for user-centric design decisions and makes them more likely to support and champion user research initiatives within the organization.

Imagine you're working on a website redesign project for a client. By inviting the client as a team member, they can actively participate in the usability testing process. They can review test results, observe user interactions, and provide feedback based on their domain expertise. This collaborative engagement can enhance client satisfaction, ensures project alignment, and strengthen the client-agency relationship.

Streamlined feedback loops

Efficient feedback loops are vital for iterative design processes. To help streamline this, your team members can comment on Lyssna tests and results, simplifying the process of collecting, consolidating, and sharing feedback. This makes the design iteration cycle smoother and more effective. 

User roles in Lyssna

With consolidated feedback from team members, you can make necessary adjustments, refine research objectives, or clarify specific research questions. As a result, the final research outcomes become more actionable as they have been vetted and fine-tuned with the collective input of your team members.

For example, say you're running a remote usability test for a web application. By inviting team members to view the results, they can access participant profiles, review metrics, and contribute any observations. This streamlined communication allows you and your team to collaborate effectively, align your interpretations of user behavior, and collectively analyze the test results. 

Gain diverse insights and accelerate design iterations 

By leveraging the power of Lyssna's collaborative platform, you can harness the collective expertise of your team, gain diverse insights, and accelerate the design iteration cycle. With improved collaboration and streamlined feedback, you can confidently create exceptional user experiences that resonate with your target audience.

So, why wait?

Your go-to user research platform

The best teams use Lyssna so they can deeply understand their audience and move in the right direction — faster.


What are user roles and permissions in Lyssna?
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How can I assign user roles and permissions in Lyssna?
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How can user roles and permissions help maintain data security?
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Is there a limit to the number of team members I can invite?
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