Conditional logic is a powerful tool that helps you create personalized usability tests. It allows you to tailor tests to individual participants based on their behavior, resulting in more accurate and actionable feedback. With Lyssna's logic feature, participants initially see all questions and sections, but what they see can change based on applied conditions.

This feature enables you to design more precise tests and gain deeper insights from participant responses. Read on to discover the possibilities and functionality of conditional logic in Lyssna.

3 use cases for conditional logic 

Conditional logic is a versatile tool that can be used to gather meaningful insights from your research participants. Here are some practical use cases.

Get crafty with your follow-ups

Provide a more tailored testing experience by applying conditions. For example, if you're conducting a study to better understand media streaming services, you can begin by asking your users whether they subscribe to a service.

By using logic, you can then tailor your follow-up questions to be specific to those users who said yes or no, optimizing the relevance and accuracy of your study.

Ask targeted questions based on preference test results

Ask follow-up questions based on which design participants choose in a preference test.

In our example test, we asked about streaming service subscriptions. We then followed this up with a design survey, asking those participants who subscribed to a service what they thought of a subscription pricing page.

Use mandatory questions to your advantage

Mandatory questions can be used as a way to send people to specific conditional follow-up questions.

Let’s say you choose not to make a question mandatory and the participant skips the question. Their journey is now stalled and they won’t see further conditional questions. This can limit the insights you collect.

For example, if a participant views the dog landing page and you follow up with a linear question such as, "On a scale of 1 to 5, how visually appealing did you find this landing page?", this can lead to conditional questions that explore what the participant likes or dislikes about the page. Both sets of insights are valuable during testing. By making the question mandatory, you can ensure that you don't miss out on this important information.

How it works

By adding conditional logic, you’ll level up your tests and provide a far more tailored experience for your participants. Follow the steps below to add logic to your questions and help drive deeper insights:

  1. Toggle on conditional logic on the question or section.

  2. Define the circumstances (in the blue box) in which your participants will or won’t be shown the upcoming question or section. 

  3. Add in your question and be sure to save and preview before recruiting participants. 

Pro tip

All questions and section types can have logic applied to them (except the first question or section, as it won’t have any conditions), but only the following can be used as conditions:

  • Single-choice questions

  • Linear scale questions

  • Preference tests

  • Prototype task flows.

Use conditional logic to make questions relevant

As a Lyssna Pro plan feature, conditional logic helps you ask more specific questions and ensures participants only see questions relevant to them based on previous responses.

This valuable feature helps you generate more insightful and actionable feedback, leading to better products and experiences. 

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What is conditional logic in usability testing?
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How does conditional logic work in Lyssna?
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Can I use conditional logic in all types of usability tests?
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